
New Publication by Katalin Szende: Trust, Authority, and the Written Word in the Royal Towns of Medieval Hungary

October 29, 2018

Katalin Szende, head and faculty member of our department, has recently published a book at Brepols.

"A comprehensive overview of the formation of urban pragmatic literacy in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary.

In Memoriam Marianne Saghy

September 24, 2018

Marianne Sághy


We communicate with a great sadness that our friend and colleague Marianne Sághy, associate professor at the Department of Medieval Studies, CEU, and at the Department of Medieval and Early Modern Universal History, ELTE, Budapest; President of the Hungarian Hagiography Society, passed away on 21 September.

The Excerpta Constantiniana and the Byzantine Appropriation of the Past by Andras Nemeth, Alumnus of Medieval Studies

We are proud to announce that our alumnus Andras Nemeth has his new book published at Cambridge University Press. The title of the book is The Excerpta Constantiniana and the Byzantine Appropriation of the Past.

3MT competition at CEU won by our PhD student, Dan Knox

August 17, 2018

"Central European University hosted its first ever Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition on June 18. 

Hosted by the Dean of Students' Office, the competition featured presentations by 10 CEU doctoral students covering a wide range of research topics, from the cognitive processes of babies through bank bailouts to ethical farming. Each student had 180 seconds to give a compelling presentation on their thesis and its significance. ..."

New Publications: The Illuminated Chronicle and the Studies on the Illuminated Chronicle, Edited by Janos M. Bak and László Veszprémy

July 9, 2018

The ninth volume in the Central European Medieval Texts, Chronica de Gestis Hungarorum e Codice Picto Saec. xiv., The Illuminated Chronicle accompanied by the Studies on the Illuminated Chronicle was edited by János M.