CEU-ELTE Medieval Library


1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 6–8, #148-150 (first floor) Google Maps


e-mail: medlib@ceu.edu
phone: +36 1 4116900, ext. 5139

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Curator of the Library: Balázs Nagy
Librarian: Csilla Virág

Opening hours

From Monday to Friday:   9.00–19.00

OPENING HOURS DURING THE SUMMER BREAK                                         

The Library will be open during the summer break only on these days:

22nd, 24th, 26th July (Monday, Wednesday, Friday):         15.00–18.00                            

From 29th July to 6th September 2024:   CLOSED!

OPEN from 9th September!

Online Catalogue

Catalog online again!
Our new catalog is now available on both the previously and below used links. Use it to search in the complete collection of our library!

In addition to offering the resources of the CEU Main Library, our Department has its own special library for medieval studies. The CEU-ELTE Medieval Library was established in an agreement between the Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and the Central European University (CEU) in 1992. It is open to the general public and endeavours to support the scholarly work of students of both universities. The collection of the Library is based on the Library of the Department of Medieval and Early Modern European History at ELTE and is enriched by acquisitions from both Universities.

The Library is one of the fastest-growing libraries in Hungary in the field of medieval studies. It currently holds 24 thousand volumes (and more than 4000 offprints) with some 2 thousand additional titles added each year to its collections. Among the new acquisitions one can find the latest books published in North America and Western Europe as well as recent publications on medieval topics from East Central and Eastern Europe.

The main aim of the Library is to collect publications on medieval Europe with special emphasis on:

  • Source publications
  • Translations of medieval texts
  • Medieval history of East Central Europe
  • Interaction between Byzantium and the West
  • Digital databases and online databases of medieval studies

Besides medieval European history, the Library intends to expand its collection in different fields of medieval studies, for example, archaeology, bio-archaeology, art history, literary history, historical anthropology, philosophy, and theology. In addition to its medieval collection, the Library houses limited collections on Late Antiquity and Early Modern European and Hungarian history. (Note: publications related to Ottoman studies are mostly to be found at the CEU Main Library.)

The major source publications in the Library are:

  • Acta Sanctorum
  • Ausgewählte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters, Freiherr vom Stein-Gedächtnisausgabe
  • Deutsche Reichstagsakten
  • Die Chroniken der deutschen Städte
  • Loeb Classical Library
  • Monumenta Germaniae Historica
  • Muratori: Rerum Italicarum Scriptores
  • Migne: Patrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Latina & Series Graeca
  • Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France
  • Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores

Databases on CD-Rom

The Library provides access to several databases, including:

  • Iacopo da Varazze: Legenda Aurea
  • Christian Classics Ethereal Library 1998
  • Iconclass2000
  • Lexikon des Mittelalters
  • Marburger Index

Online databases

Several online databases are also accessible:

  • International Medieval Bibliography (www.brepolis.net)
  • Library of Latin Texts, including: Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, Continuatio Mediaevalis; Patrologiae Latinae Supplementum; Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum; Sources Chrétiennes; S. Bernardi opera omnia (www.brepolis.net)
  • MIRABILE: contains digital versions of Medioevo Latino (MEL), Bibliotheca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Recentiorisque Aevi (BISLAM), and Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (CALMA). (www.mirabileweb.it)
  • MUSE: a repository of articles recently published in several journals including the field of Medieval and Renaissance studies. (muse.jhu.edu)


The Library has already received several book collections as donations:

  • The library of János M. Bak: Includes books published in the last few decades, mainly in English and German (nearly 600 volumes).
  • The library of Péter Váczy (1904–1994): The book and extensive offprint collection of the well-known scholar of medieval history. Includes works primarily on the great invasions, on the Magyar conquest and on the history of the Hungarian royal crown, and almost all the offprints of Péter Váczy’s publications.
  • The library of Éva H. Balázs (1915–2006): The book collection of the internationally acknowledged scholar of the Enlightenment and Early Modern history also contains works on Medieval and Modern European history.
  • The library of Péter Sahin-Tóth (1965–2004): The collection comprises works mainly in French in the fields of Early Modern French and European history as well as the Franco-Hungarian connection of the 17th-18th centuries.
  • The library of Erik Fügedi (1916-1992): The book collection and the offprint collection on Medieval Hungarian and European history.

Other donators to the Library:

All donations (books, offprints) to the Library are welcome.

  • The library of Heinz Quirin (1913–2000): This collection acquired by CEU includes an extensive collection of medieval German institutional and legal and social history, especially on the interaction of German and Slavic population at the eastern borderland of Germany.

The CEU-ELTE Medieval Library does not receive periodicals, since the readers can use the extensive periodical series of both Universities.

All suggestions for book acquisitions are welcome. Inquiries should be directed to medlib@ceu.edu

There is a photo-copy machine and digital scanner in the Library for the convenience of the readers. Wi-Fi access is also provided.

If you have any further question about the use of the Library, please contact the librarians or the curator of the Library (see above).