Letters of support

The Hungarian government has proposed amendments to the National Higher Education Law that would make it impossible for Central European University – and possibly other international institutions – to continue operations within the country. These changes would endanger the academic freedom vital for CEU’s continued operation in Budapest and would strike a blow against the academic freedom that enables all universities to flourish. It is time for friends, supporters, and educational and academic communities to defend our institution and the independence of higher education institutions around the globe.

In addition to the huge number of declarations of support received by CEU, many of our Department's friends, partner institutions and alumni expressed their support.

The Department of Classical Studies of the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University stands with CEU

Support to the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary

The Department of Classical Studies of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, wishes to express support to the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, which currently faces unprecedented political pressure that aims at the termination of its activity in its current seat.

Faculty members of the University of Cambridge stand with CEU

Statement by Cambridge University faculty members

Researchers at the Centre for Medieval Studies in Prague stand with CEU

April 29, 2017

Declaration of solidarity with the Central European University

We, researchers at the Centre for Medieval Studies in Prague (Institute of Philosophy of Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University), being alarmed by the situation concerning the Central European University in Budapest, express solidarity with our colleagues, scholars, who are contributing CEU to be a top research and educational institution in Central Europe.

Doctoral Students of ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences stand in solidarity with CEU

April 26, 2017

Doctoral Students of ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences stand in solidarity with Central European University

Our faculty member's article in De Standaard

April 24, 2017

Our faculty member, Floris Bernard has published an opinion on CEU's current situation in the Flemish daily newspaper of Belgium, De Standaard. The article focuses on Floris' experience with the students from CEU instead of dwelling on the political implications only.

See the attachment for the pdf version of the article (in Dutch).