Doctoral Students of ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences stand in solidarity with CEU

April 26, 2017

Doctoral Students of ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences stand in solidarity with Central European University

We, the undersigned students of the doctoral programs – interdisciplinary social research, social policy and sociology - at ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences stand in solidarity with Central European University opposing the discriminatory legal amendments proposed earlier this week by the government. The planned modifications threaten the very existence of an important center and workshop of academic life in Hungary that continues to contribute to the international successes of Hungarian social sciences, and that provides inspiration and cooperation for scientific and academic actors. We call on the natonial and international scientific community to show their solidarity and stand up against such attempts to interfere with academic autonomy.

Budapest, March 29, 2017

Babarczy Balázs, Bacsák Dániel, Bazsalya Balázs, Czinderi Kristóf, Csabai Lucia, Elek Zsuzsanna, Fadgyas-Freyler Petra, Farkas Borbás Fanni, Galovics Gergely, Gervai Nóra, Halász Péter, Harsányi András, Hubai László, Illés Barbara, Kállai Péter, Kenéz Anikó, Kiss Gabriella, Kiss Julianna, Kiss Máté, Kohlmann Dávid, Kovács Veronika, Lator Anna, Léderer András, Máté Anna, Menich Nóra, Mirkó Anna, Misetics Bálint (egyúttal a CEU diákja), Nagy Alíz, Nagy Zsófia, P. Szabó Dénes (az ELTE TáTK Doktorandusz Önkormányzat alelnöke), Palusek Erik, Pénzes Marianna, Sárcsevity Bea, Sipos Alexandra, Soós Katalin, Surányi Ráchel, Szilberhorn László, Turányi Tatjána, Varsányi Péter, Vigvári András, Wollner Márta
