Letters of support

The Hungarian government has proposed amendments to the National Higher Education Law that would make it impossible for Central European University – and possibly other international institutions – to continue operations within the country. These changes would endanger the academic freedom vital for CEU’s continued operation in Budapest and would strike a blow against the academic freedom that enables all universities to flourish. It is time for friends, supporters, and educational and academic communities to defend our institution and the independence of higher education institutions around the globe.

In addition to the huge number of declarations of support received by CEU, many of our Department's friends, partner institutions and alumni expressed their support.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of History

April 5, 2017

Declaration of solidarity with the Central European University

We, researchers at the Institute of History (IH) of the Research Centre for Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences agree with the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences that "CEU is a significant center of research and international teaching institution. It is good to have it in Budapest. Maintaining the integrity of the community of researchers and teachers, research teams and academic life is very important." 

Univerzita Palackého podporuje Středoevropskou univerzitu (Palacky Univerity, Olomouc)

April 4, 2017

Univerzita Palackého vyjádřila podporu Středoevropské univerzitě (CEU) v Budapešti, které hrozí kvůli plánovaným legislativním změnám maďarské vlády výrazné omezení fungovaní nebo dokonce zánik. Univerzita Palackého prostřednictvím rektora Jaroslava Millera a emeritního rektora UP Josef Jařaba zaslala dopis maďarské vládě a parlamentu, v němž protestuje proti záměru znemožnit CEU působit v oblasti vysokoškolského vzdělávání v Maďarsku.

Academia Europaea

April 4, 2017

A statement issued by the President of the Academia Europaea (AE) in response to the proposed legislative measures of the Government of Hungary that may affect the status, operations and even the continuation of foreign University institutions that have been established in Hungary, and that will notably impact negatively on the Central European University (CEU).