Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of History

April 5, 2017

Declaration of solidarity with the Central European University

We, researchers at the Institute of History (IH) of the Research Centre for Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences agree with the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences that "CEU is a significant center of research and international teaching institution. It is good to have it in Budapest. Maintaining the integrity of the community of researchers and teachers, research teams and academic life is very important." 

CEU is an institution of crucial importance in the humanities in Hungary and is an integral part of the Hungarian academia. It relates to the IH through several personal and institutional links. Jeopardizing the operation of CEU also threatens the operation of the IH, since CEU generously provides access to its international academic network, library, and projects, which are of high significance for the researchers of the IH. Furthermore, CEU plays a key role in the training of future researchers of the IH. For these reasons, we would like to ask the government and Parliament of Hungary not to modify legislation preventing CEU from uninterrupted operation in Budapest.  

Apor Péter, Bácsatyai Dániel, Balogh Róbert, Bartha Ákos, Bíró László, Csákó Judit, Csaplár-Degovics Krisztián, Demeter Gábor, Erdélyi Gabriella, Fónagy Zoltán, Fóti Miklós, Glück László, Gyáni Gábor, Horváth Richárd, Horváth Gergely Krisztián, Horváth Sándor, Kármán Gábor, Katona Csaba, Klement Judit, Konrád Miklós, Kovács Péter, Kovács Viktória, Lajtai Mátyás, Martí Tibor, Mihalik Béla, Mitrovits Miklós, Molnár Antal, Molnár Mónika, Nagy Kornél, Nógrády Árpád, Oborni Teréz, Paksa Rudolf, Pálffy Géza, Pálosfalvi Tamás, Péterfi Bence, Scheibner Tamás, Skorka Renáta, Somogyi Éva, Stark Tamás, Stefano Bottoni, Szabó András Péter, Szilágyi Adrienn, Szilágyi Magdolna, Tóth Ferenc, Tóth Gergely, Turbucz Dávid, Varga Bálint, Völgyesi Orsolya, Weisz Boglárka, Zahorán Csaba, Zsoldos Attila
