
In Memoriam Terézia Kerny

November 10, 2015

"It is with great sadness that I report on the death of Terézia Kerny. She was one of the most knowledgeable and helpful art historians of her generation. She was a researcher of medieval iconography, patronage, the cult of the saints as well the historiography of art history.

Oliver Rackham (1939–2015)

February 20, 2015

Botanist and historian of the countryside, Oliver Rackham passed away suddenly at the age of 75. Rackham had a life-long association with Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he was Master of College in 2007-2008, Life Fellow and Keeper of the College Silver. Students of the Dept. of Medieval Studies CEU had the opportunity to take part in a course offered jointly by prof. Rackham and Péter Szabó on the Historical ecology of woods and Forests in the spring of 2012.

Professor Urszula Borkowska OSU (1934-2014)

May 19, 2014

Professor Urszula Borkowska OSU (1934-2014) died on May 11 after a surgery in her hometown, Lublin. Sister Urszula was Professor at the Catholic University (KUL), medievalist and specialist in the history of the Jagiellonian dynasty. She was the academic teacher of a number of CEU graduates and well loved guest professor in our department. She joined the editorial board of our Central European Medieval Texts at its foundation and served consciously for more than ten years. We counted always on her good judgment as to the selection of texts and their publication.

CEU Mourns Senior Fellow Dr. Anna Christidou

September 20, 2013

Dr. Anna Christidou, a postdoctoral research fellow with CEU’s Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies, died on September 15, 2013 in a car accident in Athens, that also killed her father. Our thoughts and sincere condolences are with her husband, who survives her, and with her family.