Appointments and Announcements

Katalin Szende Elected Head of Department

On May 19, Professor Katalin Szende was elected Head of Department for the coming two academic years, 2010/11 and 2011/12. Her term of office will commence this September.

Medieval Studies Post-doc Wins Dumbarton Oaks Fellowship

The Department of Medieval Studies and the Center for Hellenic Traditions (CHT) very warmly congratulate Dr Réka Forrai (MA’01, PhD’08) – currently holding a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities – for having been awarded a highly competitive and prestigious fellowship at the world’s foremost research center for Byzantine studies, Harvard University’s Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection in Washington, DC, for the acade

Anna Somfai Wins ERC-HU Grant

As one of two CEU researchers, Dr Anna Somfai, Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Medieval Studies, won a highly prestigious ERC-HU grant for the academic year 2009/10 to academic year 2011/12 period.

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