
Two Alumnae and a PhD student joined the research team of the The Jagiellonians: Dynasty, Memory and Identity in Central Europe project

February 19, 2015

Two alumnae of Medieval Studies Department, Giedre Mickunaite and Stanislava Kuzmova, and one of our PhD students, Janos Incze, have joined the research team of an ERC-funded project The Jagiellonians: Dynasty, Memory and Identity in Central Europe based at the History Faculty, University of Oxford.

New book by Peter Bokody: Images-within-Images in Italian Painting (1250-1350)

Peter Bokody (MA'06 PhD'09)'s book on The Images-within-Images in Italian Painting (1250-1350) will be published by Ashgate in March 2015.

Travel, Trade, and Transportation: the Infrastructure of Spatial Mobility in Medieval East Central Europe

February 3, 2015

This research network was set up by Magdolna Szilagyi (MA'04, PhD'12) to bring together scholars in East Central Europe who are interested in the field of historic routes research (dromography) between c. 300 and c. 1600. Initiated and hosted by the Medieval Studies Department of Central European University, this is an expressly interdisciplinary project covering themes ranging from medieval history, through archaeology, geography, place-name studies, and art history to spatial information technologies.

Emilia Jamroziak has been promoted to Professor of Medieval Religious History, at Leeds University

January 22, 2015

Emilia Jamroziak (MA'97) has been promoted to Professor of Medieval Religious History, at Leeds University. See more: