
Are you Game? Presenting Cultural Heritage by Playing at CEU

Games and playing are essential parts of human life that show significant cultural variation and reflect the changes in society. However, their role as an element of cultural heritage and the social identity of various communities is often underestimated.

Call for papers! Undergraduate Conference on Tradition and Innovation, August 2017

March 6, 2017

Tradition and Innovation in Historical Perspective: Undergraduate Conference
Central European University, Budapest
August 3-6, 2017

New publication by alumna: Deserting Villages - Emerging Market Towns

We are happy to announce that our alumna Edit Sárosi has successfully turned her PhD research into a book, published by Archeaolingua:

DESERTING VILLAGES - EMERGING MARKET TOWNS - Settlement dynamics and land management in the Great Hungarian Plain, 1300-1700

by Edit Sárosi

Book published by our alumna, Agnes Korondi

We are proud to announce that one of our alumna, Ágnes Korondi (MA 2011-12) recently published a book about mysticism in the late medieval monastic codices in Hungarian titled "Misztika a késő középkori magyar nyelvű kolostori kódexirodalomban (Misztikarecepció avagy irodalmi és kegyességi gyakorlat a késő középkori magyar nyelvű kolostori kódexek devocionális szövegeiben)".

A course as ambitious as its name: Preserving and Interpreting Knowledges of the Past and Promoting Social Justice

February 21, 2017

“Preserving and Interpreting Knowledges of the Past and Promoting Social Justice” taught by Andrea Pető from the Gender Studies Department is a course as ambitious as its name. Cross-listed with Legal Studies and Medieval Studies and in partnership with Labrisz Lesbian Association and the Hungarian National Archives, it is a course worth noting for its collaborating teaching structure and social engagement components.