
Academia Europaea

April 4, 2017

A statement issued by the President of the Academia Europaea (AE) in response to the proposed legislative measures of the Government of Hungary that may affect the status, operations and even the continuation of foreign University institutions that have been established in Hungary, and that will notably impact negatively on the Central European University (CEU).

Association of Hungarian Archaeologists

April 4, 2017

The position of the Association of Hungarian Archaeologists concerning the law proposal influencing CEU

The board of the Association of Hungarian Archaeologists is deeply astonished by the proposed amendments (No. T/14686) to the National Higher Education Law (2011/CCIV). If passed, the change in the legislation would seriously endanger academic freedom and it would make it impossible for the Central European University / Közép-európai Egyetem to operate in Hungary.

Beatrix F. Romhányi - Independent Researcher

April 4, 2017

"At least half of the news on FB this morning, not by chance, has been connected to CEU. As a former student of the first official year of Medieval Studies at CEU and one who continues her contacts with the department, I would like to proffer some points of view, hoping that they will be understood. Yes, CEU was founded by George Soros. Yes, there is a Department of Medieval Studies at CEU because János Bak and Gábor Klaniczay persuaded him about the importance of investigating and teaching about the Middle Ages.