
You can read more about departmental publications here.

Published by alumni: Defining Heresy by Irene Bueno

Our alumna, Irene Bueno has her book published at the renown Brill publishing house:

Our Alumna, Dora Sallay's new book has been published: Corpus of Sienese Paintings in Hungary 1420-1510

Dóra Sallay (MA'99, PhD'08)'s book entitled Corpus of Sienese Paintings in Hungary 1420-1510 is published by the publishing house of Centro Di in 2015.

Volume 21 of Annual of Medieval Studies has been published

June 19, 2015

The Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU, 2015, has been published, and soon it will be available online at .

Witchcraft, Superstition, and Observant Franciscan Preachers by Fabrizio Conti has been published at Brepols

The Witchcraft, Superstition, and Observant Franciscan Preachers. Pastoral Approach and Intellectual Debate in Renaissance Milan by Fabrizio Conti (PhD' 12) will be published in June 2015 by the Brepols Publishers.
Read more:

New book by Peter Bokody: Images-within-Images in Italian Painting (1250-1350)

Peter Bokody (MA'06 PhD'09)'s book on The Images-within-Images in Italian Painting (1250-1350) will be published by Ashgate in March 2015.