Our Alumna, Dora Sallay's new book has been published: Corpus of Sienese Paintings in Hungary 1420-1510

October 7, 2015

Dóra Sallay (MA'99, PhD'08)'s book entitled Corpus of Sienese Paintings in Hungary 1420-1510 is published by the publishing house of Centro Di in 2015.

The Corpus of Sienese Paintings in Hungary is a three-volume series on the Sienese paintings in Hungarian public and private collections. The long awaited first volume contains thirty-three paintings from the period between 1420 and 1510. The two other volumes, covering the periods 1250–1420 and 1510–1650, will follow in due course.

Dora Sallay Dóra Sallay is head of the Department of Old Master Paintings and curator of early Italian paintings at the Museum of Fine Arts (Szépművészeti Múzeum) in Budapest; she was formerly a curator at the Christian Museum (Keresztény Múzeum) in Esztergom. Her primary research interests are early Italian – especially Sienese – panel paintings, and the history of their collecting and reception in Hungary. She is the author of numerous articles and other publications on fifteenth-century Sienese art, and of Raffaele Bertinelli és reneszánsz képtára (2009), a book on the Renaissance painting collection of Raffaele Bertinelli (1802–1878), which now forms part of the Christian Museum.