ELTE Research Centre of Women’s History stands with CEU

April 19, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

As the leaders of Eötvös Loránd University stated on April 3, the Central European University is part of the Hungarian higher education system and one of the leading academic institutions. Because of these, the new legislation aimed at making it impossible for CEU to continue its operation in Hungary is working against the country’s interests. For our research centre it is extremely important that the Department of History, the Department of Medieval Studies and the Department of Gender Studies at CEU can function in Budapest. Therefore, as members of the ELTE Research Centre of Women’s History, we stand with CEU.

Eszter Bartha, Zita Deáky, Eleonóra Géra, Ildikó Horn, Lilla Krász, Mónika Mátay, György Németh, Balázs Sipos, Erika Szívós, Ádám Takács, Ágnes Judit Szilágyi, Zsuzsanna Varga, Gábor Várkonyi
