
April 5, 2017

Dear Prime Minister,

the presidency of Mediävistenverband, representing more than 1100 members active in research into the Middle Ages in the German speaking world and beyond, is very concerned at plans of the Hungarian government that could endanger the stability and the very existence of the Central European University. A considerable number of our members have close contacts with colleagues at the CEU; others have pursued their studies at CEU, before continuing their careers in other European countries or abroad. Other members have taught regularly at CEU, or they are involved in several exchange programmes.
We strongly encourage all efforts to preserve the CEU, which has made a significant contribution to the standing of the Hungarian and European humanities over the past few decades. We hope that any apprehensions concerning the future of the CEU are unfounded, and we look forward to continuing our close contacts with our colleagues at the Department of Medieval Studies at CEU.

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Drews
President, Mediävistenverband

