Irena Barbiera

Former Research Fellow

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She obtained her Ph.D. at the Central European University, Department of Medieval Studies in 2004. Since 2003 she has been research fellow at the University of Padova. Here she worked upon three main research topics:

  1. The study of cemeteries from a gender perspective deals with problems as social construction, examining with particular attention its relation to both ethnicity and migration in late antiquity and Early Middle Ages.
  2. Demography, mortality and life styles of the Early Middle Ages.
  3. History of barbarian archaeology, with particular attention to the 19th and 20th centuries.

Between 2003 and 2006 she regularly taught at the school of archaeology of the University of Padova.

In 2008 she was research fellow at the Academy of Sciences of Vienna, in the frame of the Wittgenstein project, coordinated by W. Pohl.

Since 1990, she worked on different archaeological excavations in Italy and abroad.