István Bugár

May 26, 2015

István Bugár was awarded a PhD in History of Philosophy (HAS, 1999), subsequently a PhD in Medieval Studies (CEU, 2003) under the supervision of István Perczel, finally a dr.habil in History of Philosophy (University of Debrecen, 2007). He has been teaching ancient and medieval philosophy and history of ancient and medieval Christianity at the University of Debrecen since February 2002, where he has been the head of the Department of Philosophy since 2010. István Bugár is a co-founder and member of the Presidential Board of the Hungarian Patristic Society.

Books published:

Szakrális képzőművészet a keresztény ókorban [Sacred art in Christian Antiquity: a collection of sources with an introduction]. 2 vols (Budapest: Kairosz, 2004), which is largely based on his research at CEU; Kozmikus teológia: Források a görög filozófia istentanához a kezdetektől a kereszténység színrelépéséig. [Cosmic theology: sources for theological thinking in Ancient philosophy from the pre-Socratics to the early Roman period, with an introduction] (Budapest: Kairosz, 2005); Sors és szabadság [Fate and freedom: a collection of key sources from fourth century BCE to second century CE translated with an introduction by István M. Bugár] ed. by István M. Bugár and Péter Lautner (Budapest: Kairosz, 2006); Szabadság, szeretet, személy: teológia és antropológia az ókeresztény korban [Freedom, love, and person: theology and anthropology on Christian Antiquity] (Budapest: Kairosz [forthcoming]).

Current major research fields: different modes of discourse about God in second and third Century Christianity (Rome and Asia Minor); homilies of Chrysostom and pseudo-Chrysostom.
