
2023/2024 short course descriptions are available here.

  • In each semester, students are required to take a certain number of mandatory and elective courses

Mandatory classes include language classes, core classes and research seminars

1YMA Sample Curriculum

  • There is a short description of each course on the Course Hub.
  • Each course has a syllabus that describes the course content, gives a weekly schedule, readings, assignments and dates of exams (if any); it also specifies if the given course is evaluated with Pass/Fail or a Grade and explains the components of the assessment. Syllabi are published on the E-learning site.

Attendance and class participation is mandatory in all classes and counts, as a rule, for 10% of the final grade. Missing more than two classes out of twelve without a valid explanation can automatically result in a failing grade. Every absence should be explained beforehand to the instructor by email, with a copy to the office.

MA students may attend courses marked as part of the PhD curriculum, except the Medieval Studies Doctoral Colloquia, which can be attended by MA students only on an occasional basis and without registration. In other cases, the instructor and the student’s supervisor have to confirm that taking a PhD-level course for Grade or for Audit serves the student’s interest.

  • In the registration procedure, there is a short add-drop period at the beginning of each semester when you can change your enrollment in a class (drop it or add another one) or change the grading option (between grade and audit). This change can only be carried out if the student is already registered for the course.

Please note that we try allow our students to attend the courses they are interested in so the draft course schedule might be modified based on your feedback. Please signal possible clashes in the schedule to the respective course instructors.

Spring Term Schedule 2023-24