Éloïse Adde

MA Program Director
Departmental Erasmus Program Director
Associate Professor

Contact information

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51
A 212

Eloise Adde joined CEU in 2021. She defended her PhD thesis on “Dalimil’s Chronicle” and the Beginnings of Czech National Historiography in the Vernacular Language at Paris Panthéon Sorbonne (Medieval History) and Paris Sorbonne university (Czech Literature) in 2011. 

Her research focuses on state-building and nation, political thought and discourse, and the rise of "individuals" and individualism in late-medieval Brabant and Bohemia. An important part of her research deals with manuscripts and the dissemination of texts and ideas.


Funded research projects and fellowships

2020-2022      Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, H2020-MSCA-IF-20, Saint-Louis University Brussels. Topic: Nation – Power – Subjectivity: The Making of National Subjects in Late Medieval Bohemia and Brabant (1300-1450)

2015-2018       FNR-CORE, University of Luxembourg. Topic: Luxdynast. The Europe of the Luxembourg Dynasty. Governance, Delegation and Participation between Region and Empire (1308-1437)

2013-2015       FNR-AFR grant, University of Luxembourg. Topic: The Ideology of the Nobility and the Public Space in Bohemia (1306-1415)

2013                Fernand Braudel-Clemens Heller grant, Institut für Slawistik, Humboldt University, Berlin. Topic: The Maturation of Political Ideas in Late-Medieval Bohemian lands (1300-1415)

2011-2012       MAEE, CNRS, CEFRES, Prague. Topic: Corporeity and Politics. A Reflection between Medieval History and Philosophy

Key Publications


La Chronique de Dalimil et les débuts de l’historiographie nationale tchèque en langue vulgaire, preface by Jacques Le Goff, Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2016

In preparation: Nation - Power - Subjectivity: The Making of National Subjects in Late Medieval Bohemia and Brabant (1300-1450)

Edited volumes

(with Michel Margue) publication of the proceedings of the international conference: Les Luxembourg, projet dynastique et construction de la domination entre perspectives globales et locales, Böhlau/Regesta Imperii, Wien Köln Weimar, (2024).

(with Jonathan Dumont) publication of the proceedings of two international conferences dedicated to: Naturalisation and Legitimation of Power (1300-1800), Sismel Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze (2024).

Shaping the Nation in Medieval Europe, in: The Medieval Globe 10 (2024).

Community, Identity, Individuals: Shaping the (Political) Nation in Premodern Europe, Trivent, Budapest (2024).

Articles (selection)

Nation–Power–Subjectivity: The Making of National Subjects in Bohemia and Brabant at the Beginning of the Fourteenth Century, in: The Medieval Chronicle, 16, 2023, pp. 1-21.

Fragility or sustainability of the medieval State? The function of uprisings in the chronicle of the pseudo Dalimil (Bohemia, cc. 1310), in: Konstanzer Arbeitskreis für Mittelalterliche Geschichte, Vorträge und Forschungen: Fragile Fürstenherrschaft im spätmittelalterlichen Europa, ed. By Martin Kintzinger, Klara Hübner, 2024.

The League of Lords between feudalism and the modern state? Diversity of state models, political agency, and opposition in late-medieval Bohemia (1394–1405), in: Meaning of Diversity in the Middle Ages, ed. by Julia Burkhardt, Hungarian Historical Review, special issue, 2024.

The “natural lord” and the nation: the naturalization of the state in the Czech lands in the 13th-15th centuries,  in: Éloïse Adde and Jonathan Dumont, publication of the proceedings of the international conference: Naturalisation and Legitimation of Power (1300-1800). An Attempt at a Comparative History, Sismel Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze, 2024.

La périodisation en histoire : une problématique modernité, in: H-France Salon, Volume 15, Issue 10 “Dividing up the Past: Thinking about Periodization in Medieval and Early Modern Francophone History”, ed. by: Christine Adams, St. Mary’s College of Maryland and Charles-Louis Morand-Métivier, University of Vermont

Corriger le roi. La doléance comme source de légitimation de la noblesse de Bohême dans la Chronique de Dalimil (env. 1309-1311), in: Michelle Bubenicek, François Foronda (ed.), Doléances. La plainte politique, voie de régulation des rapports gouvernés-gouvernants (xiiie-xviiie siècle), Éditions de l’École des chartes (EREC), Paris, 2022

Le Nouveau conseil de Smil Flaška de Pardubice : une proposition de refonte du contrat politique entre exigence religieuse et compréhension de la personne humaine, in: Reinardus: yearbook of the International Reynard Society, 33, 2021, pp. 1-19

De malis, que post mortem regis Przsemysl acciderunt. L’impact de l’enlèvement du roi Venceslas II sur la vie politique en Bohême, in: Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes (CRMH), 2020, 39, pp. 27-42

Les bourgeois de Bohême et l’impossible légitimation ? La conjuration de Prague et de Kutná Hora de février 1309, 49e Congrès de la SHMESP : Contester au Moyen Âge, Rennes (23-26 mai 2018), Éditions de la Sorbonne, Paris, 2019, pp. 171-185

 « Communauté du royaume » et affirmation de la noblesse dans les pays tchèques (13e-14e siècles), in : Dominique Barthélemy, Isabelle Guyot-Bachy, Frédérique Lachaud and Jean-Marie Mœglin (ed.), La « communauté du royaume » (Angleterre, Écosse, France, Empire, Scandinavie), de la fin du 10e siècle au début du 14e siècle, théories et pratiques, Nancy – 6 novembre / 8 novembre 2014, Presses universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, Paris, 2019, pp. 313-329

The Justification of Tyrannicide in the Chronicle of Dalimil. The Czech Nobility as the “Mystical Body” of the Realm, Medievalista online. Revista especializada em Estudos Medievais, 23, 2018

Environnement textuel et réception du texte médiéval. La deuxième vie de la Chronique de Dalimil, Médiévales. Langues, textes, histoire, 73, 2018, pp. 169-191

Recent Courses 

Core class + tutorial: The Medieval Nation

Faculty Research Seminar II.

Historiography: Topics in Its History and Theory (seminar)

Historiography and Politics in the Middle Ages

Medieval French (reading and translation of old and middle French sources)

Manuscripts, Textual Flow, New Audiences. Production and Reception of Texts (14th-15th Centuries)

Nation-Building, Ethnicity, and Cultural Heritage

Uses and Abuses of the Past in Cultural Heritage

French Circle (reading group)

PhD Supervision

2022 Samuel Beňa: All the King's Men: Military Service, Royal Army, and the Noble Leagues in Late Medieval Bohemia (1413–1465) (with Balázs Nagy)


2011 PhD in Medieval History (Paris Panthéon Sorbonne)
2011 PhD in Czech Literature (Sorbonne Université)