European Heritage Days at CEU

Open to the Public
Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 10:00am
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Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 10:00am to Sunday, September 20, 2015 - 5:00pm

In the occasion of European Heritage Days 2015 organized in Hungary Central European University opens its doors and welcomes visitors to learn more about its campus complex in the heart of Budapest. During these two days CEU offers a wide range of colorful programs for those who wish to discover the hidden values and secrets of its buildings. This year is also the international year of light, and we invite you to join us on a tour of the construction site at Nádor Street 15, to find out more about the architectural concepts of the future building (Please note: site visits are limited in number of participants and operate on a first come, first served basis.). You can discover more: remains which had been found hidden in the soil, and found during construction work  and which tell about the past of this district. Let us also travel back together to the period of World War I, when the historical building at Nádor Street 11 was designed and built. And finally the informal setting of its courtyard offers the location for an al fresco café featuring a well-known pianist playing traditional and popular favorites.


Saturday, 19 September 

11:00 – Guided tour in Hungarian (9 and 11 Nádor Street)
12:30 – Thematic guided tour in Hungarian and English on the topic of Light by Zofia Pazitna and the Campus Redevelopment Office (9, 11 and 13 Nádor Street)
14:00 – Guided tour in the building in English (9 and 11 Nádor Street) 

15:00 – Podium discussion on Communal Archaeology

  • József Laszlovszky (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies – Cultural Heritage Studies Program), moderator of the discussion
  • Gábor Lassányi (President of the Association of Hungarian Archaeologists)
  • Gál Viktor (Friends of Szadvar Castle, Herman Ottó Museum Miskolc, archaeologist)
  • Dr. Lajos Kovács (President of Friends of Szádvár Castle)
  • Tibor Rácz (Ferenczy Museum, archaeologist)
  • Nándor Rácz (volunteer)
  • Dóra Mérai (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies – Cultural Heritage Studies Program; Vice President of the Association of Hungarian Archaeologists)

11:30–16:00 – Piano music by László Pecek Lakatos. While listening to the bar music you can buy refreshments in the temporary café in the courtyard of 11 Nádor Street. 

Sunday, 20 September

11:00 – Guided tour in Hungarian
12:00 – Guided tour in Hungarian (9 and 11 Nádor Street, 7 Október 6 Street)
13:00 – Thematic guided tour in Hungarian and English on the topic of Light by Zofia Pazitna and the Campus Redevelopment Office (9, 11 and 13 Nádor Street) 

14:00 – Presentation by Zsuzsa Sidó in Hungarian followed by a walk in 11 Nádor Street: “Megtört formatörekvések. Festetics Kristóf bérháza a századelő Magyar építészetének tükrében” 

15:30 – Thematic guided tour in Hungarian by József Laszlovszky in 9 and 11 Nádor Street (CEU, Department of Medieval Studies – Cultural Heritage Studies Program): “Az eltemetett múlt emlékei a Közép-európai Egyetem épületeiben” 

11:30–16:00 – Piano music by László Pecek Lakatos. While listening to the bar music you can buy refreshments in the temporary café in the courtyard of 11 Nádor Street.