Published by Alumni

New book by Peter Bokody: Images-within-Images in Italian Painting (1250-1350)

Peter Bokody (MA'06 PhD'09)'s book on The Images-within-Images in Italian Painting (1250-1350) will be published by Ashgate in March 2015.

Nadia Miladinova's book on The Panoplia Dogmatike by Euthymios Zygadenos has been published at Brill

Nadia Miladinova (MA ’04, PhD ’11)
The Panoplia Dogmatike by Eythymios Zygadenos
A study on the first edition published in Greek in 1710

New book: Kép és kereszténység [Image and Christianity]

Edited by Peter Bokody (MA'06, PhD'10 ), published by Benedictine Abbey, Pannonhalma, 2014.

New book by Eniko Bekes: Asztrológia, orvoslás és fiziognómia Galeotto Marzio műveiben [Astrology, Medicine and Physiognomy in the Works of Galeotto Marzio]

Eniko Bekes (MA'03): Asztrológia, orvoslás és fiziognómia Galeotto Marzio műveiben [Astrology, Medicine and Physiognomy in the Works of Galeotto Marzio], Budapest, Balassi kiadó, 2014.

New book: Religious Representations on Stove Tiles from the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary

Ana-Maria Gruia's dissertation was published (PhD in Medieval Studies defended 2009 June 12

Ana-Maria Gruia's doctoral dissertation on Religious Representations on Stove Tiles from the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary (PhD in Medieval Studies defended 2009 June 12) was published by MEGA, Cluj Napoca in 2013.

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