
You can read more about departmental publications here.

Nadia Miladinova's book on The Panoplia Dogmatike by Euthymios Zygadenos has been published at Brill

Nadia Miladinova (MA ’04, PhD ’11)
The Panoplia Dogmatike by Eythymios Zygadenos
A study on the first edition published in Greek in 1710

The MA thesis on The Perquisite of a Medieval Wedding written by Sara Katanec (2014) is available online

September 15, 2014

The Perquisite of a Medieval Wedding: Barbara of Cilli’s Acquisition of Wealth, Power, and Lands

Volume 20 of Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU celebrates 20 years of Medieval Studies at CEU

July 30, 2014

The Annual of Medieval Studies, the only regularly published departmental yearbook at CEU aptly celebrates the twentieth year of its publication by reporting on the Academic Year 2012-2013, which was the twentieth year of the Department’s existence. The anniversary block includes a two-voice presentation on “Latin and Greek Middle Ages” by two regular visiting professors of the Department, Patrick Geary (Princeton) and Claudia Rapp (Vienna), which we have transcribed and share in this volume.

New book: Kép és kereszténység [Image and Christianity]

Edited by Peter Bokody (MA'06, PhD'10 ), published by Benedictine Abbey, Pannonhalma, 2014.

New book by Eniko Bekes: Asztrológia, orvoslás és fiziognómia Galeotto Marzio műveiben [Astrology, Medicine and Physiognomy in the Works of Galeotto Marzio]

Eniko Bekes (MA'03): Asztrológia, orvoslás és fiziognómia Galeotto Marzio műveiben [Astrology, Medicine and Physiognomy in the Works of Galeotto Marzio], Budapest, Balassi kiadó, 2014.