
New book by Eniko Bekes: Asztrológia, orvoslás és fiziognómia Galeotto Marzio műveiben [Astrology, Medicine and Physiognomy in the Works of Galeotto Marzio]

Eniko Bekes (MA'03): Asztrológia, orvoslás és fiziognómia Galeotto Marzio műveiben [Astrology, Medicine and Physiognomy in the Works of Galeotto Marzio], Budapest, Balassi kiadó, 2014.

New book: Religious Representations on Stove Tiles from the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary

Ana-Maria Gruia's dissertation was published (PhD in Medieval Studies defended 2009 June 12

Ana-Maria Gruia's doctoral dissertation on Religious Representations on Stove Tiles from the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary (PhD in Medieval Studies defended 2009 June 12) was published by MEGA, Cluj Napoca in 2013.

For more information please go to

Giga Zedania (MA 1999/2000 Medieval Studies) has been elected to the new rector of Ilia State University

March 5, 2014
On February 20th academic council of Ilia State University elected Giga Zedania (MA 1999/2000 Medieval Studies) as the new rector of Ilia State University. 
"It is my responsibility to lead academic process in the institution often referred as “Iliauni”. The academic council supported my vision of university development and specific goals that I will introduce shortly."