
Book launch: "Corpus of Sienese Paintings, 1420-1510" by Dora Sallay

Our alumna, Dora Sallay will have a book launch: "Corpus of Sienese Paintinjgs, 1420-1510". The book launch will be in Hungarian.
The event will be followed by a lecture, Il giovane Duccio, un saggio di Struktiver Illusionismus e la formazione di Giotto by Andrea De Marchi (Universita degli Studi, Florence), in Italian (with Hungarian translation).
Location: Hungarian National Gallery, B building, lecture hall

Our alumna, Kyra Lyublyanovics earned Honorable Mention from András Kubinyi Foundation

February 3, 2016

We are happy to announce that our alumna, Kyra Lyublyanovics, earned Honorable Mention in the award handed out by the András Kubinyi Foundation for Medieval Studies, a prestigious award within the Hungarian academic community.

Hoards, Grave Goods, Jewellery by Mária Vargha published at Archaeolingua and Archaeopress

Our PhD student, Mária Vargha has her book, "Hoards, Grave Goods, Jewellery - Objects in hoards and in burial contexts during the Mongol invasion of Central-Eastern Europe" published at Archaeolingua and Archaeopress.

Saint Margaret, Queen of the Scots by Catherine Keene published at Palgrave

Our alumna, Catherine Keene has her book  "Saint Margaret, Queen of the Scots - A life in Perspective" published at Palgrave. The book is based on her PhD dissertation she defended at our department.

Margaret, saint and 11th-century Queen of the Scots, remains an often-cited yet little-understood historical figure. Keene's analysis of sources in terms of both time and place – including her Life of Saint Margaret , translated for the first time – allows for an informed understanding of the forces that shaped this captivating woman.

The Sword and the Crucible by Dóra Bobory published at Cambridge Scholars

Our alumna, Dóra Bobory, has her book "The Sword and the Crucible. Count Boldizsár Batthyány and Natural Philosophy in Sixteenth-Century Hungary" published at Cambridge Scholars. The book is based on her PhD thesis she defended at our department.