
European Humanism and Its Challenges - Conference in Ljubljana

September 17, 2017

The Department of Medieval Studies at CEU had a strong presence at the International Symposium on European Humanism and Its Challenges, which took place in Ljubljana on September 8 and 9, 2017.

New publication by alumna: Deserting Villages - Emerging Market Towns

We are happy to announce that our alumna Edit Sárosi has successfully turned her PhD research into a book, published by Archeaolingua:

DESERTING VILLAGES - EMERGING MARKET TOWNS - Settlement dynamics and land management in the Great Hungarian Plain, 1300-1700

by Edit Sárosi

Book published by our alumna, Agnes Korondi

We are proud to announce that one of our alumna, Ágnes Korondi (MA 2011-12) recently published a book about mysticism in the late medieval monastic codices in Hungarian titled "Misztika a késő középkori magyar nyelvű kolostori kódexirodalomban (Misztikarecepció avagy irodalmi és kegyességi gyakorlat a késő középkori magyar nyelvű kolostori kódexek devocionális szövegeiben)".

Recruitment and alumni meeting in Zagreb

Croatians constitute one of the biggest alumni groups of the Department of Medieval Studies. It was a special pleasure to organize a recruitment and alumni meeting during the course of our regular Academic Field Trip, in which past, present, and future students and faculty members participated. The meeting, followed by a reception, took place at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Zagreb University on May 21, 2016.

Technology of Sword Blades from the La Tène Period to the Early Modern Age by Grzegorz Żabiński and Janusz Stępiński with Marcin Biborski published at Archaeopress

Our alumnus, Grzegorz Żabiński has his book, Technology of Sword Blades from the La Tène Period to the Early Modern Age, with the contributions of Janusz Stępiński andMarcin Biborski, published at Archaeopress.