Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of CEU's Foundation with Our Alumni

April 16, 2021

At the Department of Medieval Studies, we have always treated staying in touch with our broadening circle of alumni as a priority and remain ever so proud of our past students' various accomplishments, be they academic or non-academic. The 30th anniversary of CEU's foundation in 1991 as well as its recent relocation to Vienna - a momentous chapter in the whole university's life - have given us now the perfect opportunity to strengthen and deepen our ties with our alumni. We wish to commemorate these years together with them and honor the milestones in their lives after graduation.

Preparation for the celebration is in its preliminary phase currently: the department is planning to hold an online event - bringing together past and present students, faculty and staff - and also to publish a booklet to pay tribute to our alumni.

If you are an alumnus/a of the department, please, take a few minutes to fill out this short questionnaire below, so we can get a better idea of how many of you would be interested in attending an online event, what you are up to these days, and anything else you feel that you would like to let your old department know about. Thank you in advance!

Link to the questionnaire.

