Zrinka Nikolić Jakus

May 26, 2015

Zrinka Nikolić Jakus (ex Zrinka Nikolić) defended her PhD on formation of Dalmatian urban nobility in 2004. Her current position is Associate Professor at Department of History (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) at University of Zagreb where she teaches courses on Croatian medieval history, family, women, and nobility. She published a monograph Rođaci i bližnji: dalmatinsko gradsko plemstvo u ranom srednjem vijeku (Kith and kin: Dalmatian urban nobility in the Early Middle Ages) (Zagreb, 2003), and various articles, and still hopes to publish one day her PhD. The courses on Introduction to Research Methods and Academic Writing she had at the Department of Medieval Studies inspired her to introduce a course Historiographical Practicum for undergraduates at the History Department in Zagreb. She has also published a textbook for this course (Uvod u studij povijesti: Historiografski praktikum - Introduction to History Studies: Historiographical practicum) which so far had two editions (Zagreb, 2008, 2012). She is currently working along some other Medieval Studies alumni from Croatia as an editor on molti-volume History of Croatians.
