CEU at Leeds

July 31, 2014

At the Leeds International Medieval Congress (July 7-10, 2014, http://www.leeds.ac.uk/arts/info/125137/international_medieval_congress) our department was well represented with members of the faculty, PhD-students, and alumni. Alice Choyke and Gerhard Jaritz organized two MAD(Medieval Animal Data-Network)-sessions, offered contributions in them, and also arranged the annual MAD-round table discussion there that was devoted to whales this year. Gerhard Jaritz also coordinated the Daily Life-strand and organized sessions on “Things” and “Architectures of Interior Space.” More than ten PhD-students of the department presented results of their research in a variety of sessions. We met also a considerable number of alumni who already take important positions in Medieval Studies in different countries of Europe and also in the US.

Gerhard Jaritz
