CEU at Kalamazoo

July 31, 2014

The 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies (May 8-11, 2014) at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (http://wmich.edu/medieval/congress/), offered another possibility for our department to present results of the research of its members to an international audience of specialists and to strengthen contacts, in particular with North American medievalists. Gerhard Jaritz organized a well attended session on “Killing Them Softly? Martyrdoms in Late Medieval Art,” in which Gábor Klaniczay contributed with a paper on “The Death of Peter Martyr and the Stigmatization of Francis of Assisi: What is Behind the Painting of Beato Angelico?” Balazs Nagy spoke on “Hanseatic Trade in a Non-Hanseatic Region: The Case of Medieval Hungary” in a session dealing with general problems of trade, culture, and exchange in the Hanse regions that was organized by the “North American Hansische Gescheichtsverein.”

Gerhard Jaritz
