Rossina Kostova elected member of the International Commission for the History of Towns

January 5, 2012

At the 2011 meeting of the International Commission for the History of Towns (ICHT), Rossina Kostova, an alumna of the Department of Medieval Studies (MA ’95, PhD ’02) was elected as a member representing Bulgaria. She commented on her election in the following way: “I must be honest to say that this is somewhat unexpected development in my career but certainly one of the best and most inspiring challenges I am facing with. I will do my best to facilitate the presentation of the state of research in urban history in Bulgaria to the international community and to encourage my colleagues to act as reliable partners in international projects related to urban studies.”

The ICHT, founded in 1955 as an organization affiliated to the Comité international des sciences historique (CISH) is one of the main coordinating bodies of urban research all over Europe and beyond. It consists of a limited number of members representing their individual countries. To date, five of the members are related to the Department of Medieval Studies: Neven Budak (visiting professor, Croatia), Rossina Kostova (alumna, Bulgaria), Olha Kozubska-Andrusiv (alumna, Ukraine), Juhan Kreem (alumnus, Estonia) and Katalin Szende (associate professor, Hungary). 

We congratulate Rossina on her election and wish her a successful work in the Commission! 

