Published by Alumni

Book published by our alumna, Agnes Korondi

We are proud to announce that one of our alumna, Ágnes Korondi (MA 2011-12) recently published a book about mysticism in the late medieval monastic codices in Hungarian titled "Misztika a késő középkori magyar nyelvű kolostori kódexirodalomban (Misztikarecepció avagy irodalmi és kegyességi gyakorlat a késő középkori magyar nyelvű kolostori kódexek devocionális szövegeiben)".

Tradition and Transformation - Dissent and Consent in the Mediterranean published at Solevagus

December 21, 2016

We are happy to anounce that the book Tradition and Transformation - Dissent and Consent in the Mediterranean, with the proceedings of the 3rd CEMS Conference and edited by our alumnus Mihail Mitrea, has been published at Solivagus Verlag.

Medieval Buda in Context published at Brill

We are happy to announce that the volume Medieval Buda in Context, edited by our professors Katalin Szende and Balázs Nagy, our PhD student András Vadas, and Martyn Rady, has been published by Brill. The volume also features a number of the department's alumni as contributors.

Technology of Sword Blades from the La Tène Period to the Early Modern Age by Grzegorz Żabiński and Janusz Stępiński with Marcin Biborski published at Archaeopress

Our alumnus, Grzegorz Żabiński has his book, Technology of Sword Blades from the La Tène Period to the Early Modern Age, with the contributions of Janusz Stępiński andMarcin Biborski, published at Archaeopress.

Book launch: "Corpus of Sienese Paintings, 1420-1510" by Dora Sallay

Our alumna, Dora Sallay will have a book launch: "Corpus of Sienese Paintinjgs, 1420-1510". The book launch will be in Hungarian.
The event will be followed by a lecture, Il giovane Duccio, un saggio di Struktiver Illusionismus e la formazione di Giotto by Andrea De Marchi (Universita degli Studi, Florence), in Italian (with Hungarian translation).
Location: Hungarian National Gallery, B building, lecture hall